Well Darryl and myself went for a drive in the mountains to get away, try to relax, and forget about the other things going on in life. Not to mention the Aspens changing colors. The drive was a little chilly, due to his truck only having tube doors (which will be changing soon with the weather changing), so I was glad I remembered a really toasty blanket! The drive was absolutely gorgeous though. THe views of course were spectacular, and ran into some wildlife (a deer) on the way as well. On the way home we even stopped in Tiny Town, a town that a grandpa built for his granddaughters, that has over 40 larger than life doll houses. It's pretty neat.
Anyways, heres the pictures, enjoy!
Beautiful Mountain Drive on Sunday
Posted by Unknown | 7:26 PM | Daily Dose of Una, Photography | 2 comments »Have you ever had one of those days that looking back at when you woke up, if you KNEW it would be this shitty, you just would have stayed in bed for a month? Ya, that's today.
I wake up, get ready, things aren't so bad. Drive to work is good, not much traffic. Walk in the door at work and my god did the day turn into a nightmare. For starters the guys were driving my truck around the parking lot in 4-low... then they used my winch for a good 10 minutes straight, while driving around in 4-low, to pull a dead truck into the shop. Alright, I'm already getting pissed. If they break the winch OR an axle thats at least $600 to fix (which I would have been footing the bill..)... Then they pull my truck into the shop and one of the guys is digging through all my shit making fun of what I have in my truck. Wait, WHY is he in there? Beats me... They only needed to borrow my truck to look at the sliders.
OK fine whatever. I blow up at the people I work with and go to lunch.
Come back from lunch and try to have a nice rest of my day. Yeah fuckin right. I go back to see the slider progress they made on my truck (they are using my truck to design sliders for a customer and a product to offer..). I notice that one is on and one is off, look closer and realize my frame is now messed up. I ask what happened. They broke off 6 of the 8 bolts in my frame holding on my sliders. Instead of coming to ASK ME what I want them to do after breaking say, 2 bolts, they just keep going. I wouldn't have even known about it had I not looked and asked WTF was going on with my truck.
Ok no big deal, well kind of. Say jokingly that I guess they are weld-on sliders now (since it is impossible to bolt them back on without A) screwing up my frame more or B) structurally damaging the truck). My boss, owner of the company, says he will not weld on the sliders because the brand they are. WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE. You screw up my truck and you're not even willing to fix it half assed because the brand, and instead tell me I need to BUY new sliders from HIM and let him weld THOSE on. For another +/- $700......
So, here it happens again, the nice guy gets screwed. I'm not even some random person, I work here. That's total BS if you ask me. How am I supposed to feel good about recommending the shop to other people if I don't even want to be here myself at the moment. Funny thing is I have felt like complete garbage all day but came in so as not to screw them over by being short a person, only to come into this...
Makes you feel awesome about being a nice/good person doesn't it?
Jenny Creek Labor Day Wheeling 2008
Posted by Unknown | 10:07 AM | 1984 Toyota 4Runner "Clyde", Daily Dose of Una, Wheeling | 0 comments »Labor Day weekend was a busy weekend for me. Saturday night me and some friends built my 4runner and Monday went on a wheeling trip to Jenny Creek to test everything out. There was a pretty good group of rigs, including one jeep and even a nissan hardbody. It is not too extreme of a trail, however there is enough going on that you need pay attention the whole time. Everyone made it up the creek without problems, we even helped spot a Dodge Ram up the creek that wasn't with our group. The weather was gorgeous and the trail was fun. Overall a really good day of wheelin!
Full Gallery of Pics here: http://s516.photobucket.com/albums/u321/unaschade/Wheeling/2008-9-1-JennyCreek/