Well it's been a couple of weeks since I have posted. Things have been pretty busy.

Lets see, where to start...

Well I will start with my horse. The place he was at before, although some of the place was great (where the owner kept HIS horses).. The area allocated for my horse was complete shit. He literally got out at least once a week. It was a complete mudhole, and he was able to get into moldy hay. Among MANY MANY other things, and the fact the owner of the place is a complete prick and treated me like garbage. Not to mention I was doing all the work at the place for the barn owner, every day. Not what I signed up for when I first brought my horse there.

So I moved my big guy, Tonka, to a new barn, literally right down the street. I actually walked him there from his old place. Didn't even need a trailer.

He has settled in great. The owners are really good people and really care about the horses. Not to mention the facility itself is super nice!

Darryl's girls & Tonka

Me & Tonka

Me & Tonka

Me & Tonka

Tonka meeting a Horsie Buddy

Some of the place

Tonka in the Roundpen

Other than that, I have been working hard, and relaxing in the evenings. Darryl & I are planning on camouflaging both of our trucks. Well, I will be the one doing the painting, but Darryl gets to help me get the trucks ready :-).

Oh ya, I got my hair done too, what do you think? I love it!

The weather in Colorado has been CRAZY! It goes from 70 degrees to snowing and blizzarding to 65 degrees. Its nuts. Don't get me wrong we REALLY need the snow, but it cracks me up how different things are from one day to the next.

For example, this past Thursday was raining, Friday was blizzarding, Saturday went from Blizzarding to raining, and today (Sunday) was about 65 degrees and sunny.

Some pics from Friday's weather:

The house:

My tire tracks:

Today Darryl & I went to the Denver Zoo. I love the zoo. Besides there being a bazillion animals there, you can take some great photography, which is something we both love to do. These are just a few of the pictures at the zoo, if you want to see them all (in a larger size) just let me know!

Downtown Denver view with snowy mountains in the background. Took this while Darryl was driving to the zoo.