Well between working late, helping friends and the gym, I have been ridiculously busy.

I haven't even been out to the barn in almost 2 weeks, I feel pretty guilty! I'm just lucky that the place Tonka is at, is amazing :).

I had to shoot a couple of events for work, so I had to work late those nights. If you want to see them (and my photography) here are the links:
Dinan Performance Event
Too Hot Cool Event

A friend of mine had to move pretty far away for a new job, and the new job is a live in position. They would not let her take her snakes with her. So I got one of them. I got all of her habitat/heaters and everything! She is a 3 year old, female ball python... spans about 3 feet long. And is a complete sweetheart!

I also helped a friend who runs a breeding farm, get her horses ready for a photoshoot! And then helped her video and take pictures for the photoshoot (technically, Darryl took these pictures, I did the video) as well!

This fellow was my favorite of all teh horses, he was a total sweetie, and his coat matched my hair LOL.

I redid my entire photography website as well. It needed a makeover. I also added the ability to purchase my photography online! (If any of you want a printed copy of any of the pictures, let me know and I will make sure you get them for cost!)
Flash Forward Photography

Also, I painted Darryl's truck. It looks pretty badass now! It was black to begin with... and now it is Arctic Camo.


During Sanding:

Almost All the Way Sanded:

Partially White:

Taped off the first set of spots:

Grey Spots Painted:

Finished Truck:

I think that is all my updates for now LOL. Enjoy and let me know what you think of my pictures, website, snake, etc!



  1. Unknown // June 25, 2009 at 3:27 PM  

    from again and WOW!!!!!!!!!!!