Well today was snip snip day for little baby Aisin (my boxer puppy). I dropped him off at 8am at the shelter. When I went to leave, he cried and cried and pulled to be with me. Which made me feel really special. I had to actually walk him into the room and close the door and sneak out he was so upset. Then when I went to pick him up, he was in the main front office on a dog bed, under a desk. The lady there called and called him to get him out from under the desk and he looked at her like, ummm I think NOT. So I had to go into the office area and call him, and as soon as he saw me, he swaggered over like the poor little drunk puppy he was! But none the less it made me feel AWESOME! He has bonded with me that much in only a couple weeks :)

I had to keep the other 2 locked up though because they were sniffing him and being really rough with him (probably because he smelled like the shelter). Jester is still locked up because he was trying to lick Aisin. Chance has mellowed and is sleeping on the couch next to me. Aisin is snoozing on the big comfy dog bed on the floor!