Well my day started off with a call from my new employer, telling me everything is good to go. I start on Monday.

Then Darryl & I spent a long day at the barn. Got stalls cleaned and everything "work" wise done.

Gary (barn owner) rode his 2... and then offered to get on Tonka & take him through his gaits because he was being ROTTEN from the ground..
And with my seat being so bad since I haven't ridden in quite awhile.. and the fact I have no health insurance till the new job starts... made me nervous LOL

Anywho... Lunged Tonka and he was rotten. He was even rotten tacking up. More interested in getting back to his girlfriend than doing ANYthing I asked him to do (tie, stand, etc).

Gary got on and Tonka was a good boy. I got on and Tonka was a good boy. We worked on mainly giving to the bit, walk and trot transitions. Today was Tonka's "real" first ride in quite some time.. and before that he's had MAYBE a handful of rides.. in which he was taught nothing other than go and stop LOL.

All in all a really good day!

Some pics and videos!

Gary riding his 4 y/o QH gelding, TJ

Video of Gary riding TJ (first ride in 6 weeks)

Me & Tonka

Video of Tonka being lunged (and being rotten.. he was FULL of himself..)

Video of Gary & Myself riding Tonka