Well between working late, helping friends and the gym, I have been ridiculously busy.
I haven't even been out to the barn in almost 2 weeks, I feel pretty guilty! I'm just lucky that the place Tonka is at, is amazing :).
I had to shoot a couple of events for work, so I had to work late those nights. If you want to see them (and my photography) here are the links:
Dinan Performance Event
Too Hot Cool Event
A friend of mine had to move pretty far away for a new job, and the new job is a live in position. They would not let her take her snakes with her. So I got one of them. I got all of her habitat/heaters and everything! She is a 3 year old, female ball python... spans about 3 feet long. And is a complete sweetheart!
I also helped a friend who runs a breeding farm, get her horses ready for a photoshoot! And then helped her video and take pictures for the photoshoot (technically, Darryl took these pictures, I did the video) as well!
This fellow was my favorite of all teh horses, he was a total sweetie, and his coat matched my hair LOL.
I redid my entire photography website as well. It needed a makeover. I also added the ability to purchase my photography online! (If any of you want a printed copy of any of the pictures, let me know and I will make sure you get them for cost!)
Flash Forward Photography
Also, I painted Darryl's truck. It looks pretty badass now! It was black to begin with... and now it is Arctic Camo.
During Sanding:
Almost All the Way Sanded:
Partially White:
Taped off the first set of spots:
Grey Spots Painted:
Finished Truck:
I think that is all my updates for now LOL. Enjoy and let me know what you think of my pictures, website, snake, etc!
WOW Busy Last Couple of Weeks!
Posted by Unknown | 6:30 PM | 2000 Toyota Tacoma "Rex", Daily Dose of Una, Photography, The Horses, The Snake | 1 comments »Painted My Truck's Wheels this Weekend...
Posted by Unknown | 7:53 PM | 2007 FJ Cruiser "George", Daily Dose of Una | 2 comments »I decided it was time to paint my wheels. They were originally polished aluminum, and through the 3 years they have been on my truck.. They have seen alot of stuff, including road salt, mud, rocks, etc. So they were VERY dull and VERY pitted.
I started out with a somewhat clean FJ Cruiser:
And a hard wroking Darryl:
Ugly Wheels Up Close:
Wheels after a good cleaning & scrub pad:
Tape off the tire so you don't get too much paint on them:
A wet, painted wheel:
Let the wheel dry, and then put it on the FJ:
Repeat to the next wheel:
Other side of the truck... WHile I was doing this job, I also cleaned and painted the underbody of the truck... there was a TON of mud inside my frame that I finally washed out, and some rust and scratches and paint chips..:
Well today during our drive out of the mountains, Darryl & I came up with a new "You know you're a redneck if" list, that kind of applies to us LOL.
It all started when Darryl made the comment regarding the jeans I had on. The jeans happen to have a hole in the back and the front... Darryl said "Your jeans have dual climate control, front AND rear. Which turned into "You know you're a redneck if... when your jeans have a front & back hole, they go up in value due to the new dual climate control feature installed".
So inform the blue collar comedy tour, we are available as soon as they want us to start!
So here's our list:
You know you're a redneck....
..when your jeans have a front & back hole, they go up in value due to the new dual climate control feature installed.
..when your back yard & garage have more tires than ANY of your cars could use, and NONE of them fit any of your cars.
..if you have a road closed sign in your garage.
..if you have a "thou shalt not park" sign in your garage, and you don't park there.
..if ALL of your cars have oversize mud terrain tires.
..if your horn doesn't work and you are OK with it because you can just drive up on the car in your way.
..if you leave your car's doors at home when the weather is nice, like, for the whole summer.
..when you are too lazy to put your doors on the truck when its cold out, so you wear a blanket instead.
..if you have a truck that you still make payments on, that is soon to have a rattle can paint job.
..when ALL of your trucks have, or are soon to have rattle can paint jobs.
..if you only date people that can poop in the woods... WITHOUT a toilet.
..if you think a high class drink is Sunkist Orange Soda & White Zinfandel.
..when you don't worry about cleaning up your backyard after your dogs, because your dogs clean up after themselves.
..if you have more cans of room deodorizer, than rooms.
..if your girl can and does belch more than you do.
..if your girl knows how to use all the tools in your toolbox as good as you.
..if you sleep with a loaded gun under the mattress... on BOTH sides - his & hers.
..if you skip the gym for a day because you got MORE of a workout wheeling in the mountains.
..if you find tree stumps in the garbage somewhere and take them home to decorate.
..if you keep a recovery kit in your truck 24x7 so you can make money off people stranded in the snow.
..if you have on-board CO2 and tire patch kit so that you can fix your tires on the go.
That's it for now, but watch out for more in the future!