I decided it was time to paint my wheels. They were originally polished aluminum, and through the 3 years they have been on my truck.. They have seen alot of stuff, including road salt, mud, rocks, etc. So they were VERY dull and VERY pitted.

I started out with a somewhat clean FJ Cruiser:

And a hard wroking Darryl:

Ugly Wheels Up Close:

Wheels after a good cleaning & scrub pad:

Tape off the tire so you don't get too much paint on them:

A wet, painted wheel:

Let the wheel dry, and then put it on the FJ:

Repeat to the next wheel:

Other side of the truck... WHile I was doing this job, I also cleaned and painted the underbody of the truck... there was a TON of mud inside my frame that I finally washed out, and some rust and scratches and paint chips..:


  1. Unknown // June 25, 2009 at 3:23 PM  

    Sup Una! u know me!:)this could only be either Taea or Kira and i dont think Taeas been here in a very long long long long time get the picture???anyway i think its Kira or i dont know my name!lol c u this coming weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous // October 27, 2009 at 5:23 PM  

    Hey Una, It's been a while since you updated your website. Maybe time for an update, if you are reading this. If you are not reading this, then you are still on hiatus. Love, Chris.