Well haven't worked on it a TON but got alot accomplished. We got a new starter installed. Double checked the timing. Etc. She fired up, AWESOME!!! She only stayed running for a very short while (needs carb adjustment and me to use the choke properly). But boy did she sound AWESOME!!!! Ran super smooth, sounded healthy, so *YAY*.
I also started the body work. Basically started grinding out all of the rust spots. Most of it is all surface rust, but there were a few more spots than I thought that are turning cancerous. For the time being I sanded the whole thing, roughly, so I could paint it all one color and get the cleaned up spots covered with paint. Flat white. After I get all the rust taken care of I will actually start the real body work. Cut out the spots that couldnt be ground out and replace them with new sheetmetal. The spots I had to grind down a little bit, put a little filler in them to smooth the body lines. Then do the real paint. But I have to admit, she is looking ALOT better now.
One of our neighbors even told me he is jealous of my car.
More work on the BMW
Posted by Unknown | 7:52 AM | 1972 BMW 2002 "Eva", Daily Dose of Una | 1 comments »Update on Eva, the BMW 2002 I got!
Posted by Unknown | 8:16 AM | 1972 BMW 2002 "Eva", Daily Dose of Una | 0 comments »OK these updates are over several days of working on her. But thought I would give you an update to the progress on her!!
I didn't have much time to do anything last night, but wanted to see what the seats looked like clean. So I used some leather wipes and cleaned off the passenger seat. It still needs more cleaning, some scrubbing and plenty of conditioner. But they are pretty nice. I even like the color. I still am unsure if I will be keeping the stock seats in her, or storing them in the garage and putting in newer seats or race seats or something...
More Update...
Got some more accomplished on Eva last night with the help of Stevie (the BF) Oil Changed. Her oil was poopy. Her oil filter was on there so tight it was ridiculous. Freeze plug installed. Radiator has a couple of plugged fin things and some rust. So we will see how that goes after coolant is installed (tonight). Found a performance aftermarket (Mallory) fuel pump on her. The fuel line (I think the one out of the fuel pump) was kinked hella bad (ie no fuel to motor...). So cut the line shorter and fixed the kink. And I think that is it. The goal is tonight to put in coolant. Put in new fuel, prime her. Jump her and try to make her run, or at least get more of an idea as to why she isn't running, if she won't start. Unless there is too much snow from todays supposed snow fall. I didn't take any pictures last night but I will take some tonight if I go out there to tinker with her.
More update...
Worked on her some more last night. Her gas tank was empty so that was a bonus. Put some new gas in there. Took off the air cleaner lid and primed it. Threw coolant in there. New battery. And tried starting her. She cranked, and overall sounded healthy with the exception she didn't start. Steve did some investigating and come to find out the distributor isn't turning. Dunno if the shaft is broken or what because the gears looked solid. He's bringing it into work today to look at it better considering we were out in the snow. So that would be pretty amazing if thats all I need to worry about, get her timed, and then drive the snot out of her. And boy oh boy am I excited to drive her.
More update...
Got a distributor for her because the one she had, the shaft was broken. Got it installed. Tried firing her up and she backfired so loud our neighbors came outside (mind you it was 9pm or later). Decided to wait until the next night (yesterday) to try again. Tried starting her. She sounds good cranking. But she wouldn't actually fire up. Timing is good. She sputtered a little when you put gas in the air cleaner/carb but that's it. Steve (bf) checked her spark, it was there but weak. So today we will probably be installing plugs, wires, cap and rotor (provided they get to me today before I leave work). See if that makes a difference.
If she doesn't fire up I am going to first check that electric aftermarket pump, and the fuel lines from the tank to the engine. Then work my way to the carb. Maybe even take the carb off and try cleaning it out.
We pulled a plug out last night and it looked really good considering. However there was an old spiders nest in the plug hole. EWW! Stuck to the socket. I don't do well with bugs, LOL.
So right now Eva sits in the driveway, on a charger. With no cap or wires. Waiting for some more fiddling tonight. Or I hope tonight.
I got insurance activated on her last night. So other than emissions test and registering her, I am ready to go once she is running!!!!
Some bad news though. I was cleaning out her interior and sat on the passenger seat and the leather split wide open. So now I have to figure out what I am going to do in regards to seating with her.
More update...
Alright more accomplished. Cap & Rotor installed. PLugs & Wires Installed. Electric pump was frozen. Banged on it and it started right up (I thought this only worked in the movies?). Let the fuel spray up to the engine with the line disconnected to make sure air and debris was cleared out. New fuel filter added. Carb cleaned out a bit (not rebuilt but got fuel flowing through it). Throttle makes the fuel come out, sweet. Choke works fine. Timing good. Cranked some more. Now it's trying to fire on every compression stroke. HUGE improvement. Didn't actually start up. I ran out of time so couldn't tinker anymore. But I think if I advance the timing a little, maybe, JUST maybe... I will get her going. Well, we will get her going.
The fuel lines were all rough at the ends, so I cut all of those already last night so they were nice straight, smooth ends.
Ran into a lot of little things that I need to fix due to being an@l about how my car's are put together LOL. The wire to the coil is just twistied with the wire that goes to the resistor, then bolted onto the stud on the coil. So I need to add an actual connector for power and ground there. Among other little things that just need some fixing to be right, instead of half-arsed.
Project Eva is Underway: 19172 BMW 2002 (aka Duece aka 2k2)
Posted by Unknown | 7:58 AM | 1972 BMW 2002 "Eva", Daily Dose of Una | 0 comments »Tuesday: After some "new" wheels. A dry cleaning (wiped her down). Fixed the trunk latch. Still need to take apart driver door to get that latch working. After I took the pictures, I cleaned most of the leaves out of her crevasses. Tried taking the bumper mounts out. Got the bolts and such undone, but couldn't get them to come out of the bumper. It was dark and freezing out though.
Thursday: Took the air gun and blew all of the leaves and dirt out of the engine bay, wiper cowl, trunk area, etc. I found quite a few wasp nests. SCARY!!! Thank goodness it is still winter out and they were all dorment or dead.
I cannot wait to get the driver door latching, so I can give her a good bath. I REALLY cannot wait to get her running so I can drive her.
I got a freeze plug for her yesterday, so need to install that. Get some coolant in her. Change her oil. And then go from there :)
Enjoy the cleaner pictures of her. The engine bay pictures were before I cleaned it out.
Meet Eva, my new (old) 1972 BMW 2002
Posted by Unknown | 9:35 AM | 1972 BMW 2002 "Eva", Daily Dose of Una | 0 comments »Meet Eva
My 1972 BMW 2002
121k miles
Shock towers are all solid. Not a whole lot of rust anywhere to speak of. Don't get me wrong there is some, most surface and a few spots are a little more owwie. Glass is good. Trim is all there (needs some TLC). Interior is in GREAT shape minus being dirty (that can be said about the whole car though). Dash is cracked. Which is fine. Maybe I will make a cool aluminum one.
She has been sitting in a garage for the past 12 years, because she stopped running (I am guessing/hoping ignition) and the owner didn't want to fix it or find out what was wrong. The freeze plug is missing, but I am hoping that is from it sitting for so long, in Colorado winters in a garage and the water finally froze and popped it out, wish me luck there.
Trunk, driver door and hood do not latch but that is not a big deal, easily fixable.
They had tried selling her previously with no interest (just a sign in her windshield, no ads placed) for $1,500. They called the junk yard whom told them $350 if they brought the car in. I found out about this car through a vendor at my work (was his sister's car) and he said if I come get it he will take $300 for her. I could NOT pass the deal up. Picked her up on Sunday.
I thought Eva (pronounced like eve-ah) was the perfect name. Classy yet ladylike.
Plans are to keep it pretty much stock, at least for now. But fix her up. I plan on flat white paint (I am going to try and add a pearl in the flat, we will see how that comes out... it worked awesome on the 2009 SL63IWC). Black wheels. And that's all you are getting for now
After I clean her up I will take better pictures. I was sick of messing around in the freezing cold and snow after getting her off the trailer to get alot of pictures or even to get my camera out, so these are just from my phone.
Enjoy my first collector car!
The cash for clunkers program. C-A-R-S was the acronym.
Posted by Unknown | 7:32 AM | Daily Dose of Una, World Events | 0 comments »The following was written by a dear friend of mine, David Brodd. And I cannot agree with him more, truthfully.
The cash for clunkers program. C-A-R-S was the acronym.
What was it intended to do?
Stimulate the economy? By doing what? Helping poor people buy better cars so that they could get to work on time and pollute a little less and drive a safer car?
Problem is, POOR PEOPLE cannot make car payments. Even if they had a qualifying vehicle, they could not make the payments after the rebate was applied. So who really bought cars through this program? Middle class shmucks who allowed their greed to smash any sense of ethics or morals. People who were probably going to buy a car next year, but the program caused them to buy it now.
So, who buys the cars NEXT year? NOT the people who were GOING TO buy one next year, but bought it during CARS....
Again, if this program was supposed to help people who need better cars, why on earth would you do something which causes all used car prices to skyrocket? (as in - a lot of good 1000 to 2000 dollar cars got turned in because they were now artificially 'worth' 3500 to 4500 dollars)
You do not 'help' any people by getting rid of the decent middle-lower price range cars.
You do not 'help' the economy by artificially moving sales forward in time.
You do not 'help' the environment by causing running engines to belch smoke as the government mandated concoction destroys the engine as it runs for it’s last hour.
You do not 'help' the economy by taking a running vehicle (a mild polluter) and melting it down (HUGE polluter) to manufacture another vehicle (more pollution) or send the scrap to China or India, where they pollute about 80 gazillion times more than we do.
I have never seen so many government programs that do the EXACT OPPOSITE of their stated goal.
It is either stupidity, or it is on purpose.
The three main cars you see in these photographs all get better mileage, have better tires, are in better condition, and pollute less than any of the vehicles I own. These photos were taken yesterday - September 9, 2009 - in Fremont, NE.
This program was a vote-buying scam. At best.
God have mercy on the USA.