The following was written by a dear friend of mine, David Brodd. And I cannot agree with him more, truthfully.
The cash for clunkers program. C-A-R-S was the acronym.
What was it intended to do?
Stimulate the economy? By doing what? Helping poor people buy better cars so that they could get to work on time and pollute a little less and drive a safer car?
Problem is, POOR PEOPLE cannot make car payments. Even if they had a qualifying vehicle, they could not make the payments after the rebate was applied. So who really bought cars through this program? Middle class shmucks who allowed their greed to smash any sense of ethics or morals. People who were probably going to buy a car next year, but the program caused them to buy it now.
So, who buys the cars NEXT year? NOT the people who were GOING TO buy one next year, but bought it during CARS....
Again, if this program was supposed to help people who need better cars, why on earth would you do something which causes all used car prices to skyrocket? (as in - a lot of good 1000 to 2000 dollar cars got turned in because they were now artificially 'worth' 3500 to 4500 dollars)
You do not 'help' any people by getting rid of the decent middle-lower price range cars.
You do not 'help' the economy by artificially moving sales forward in time.
You do not 'help' the environment by causing running engines to belch smoke as the government mandated concoction destroys the engine as it runs for it’s last hour.
You do not 'help' the economy by taking a running vehicle (a mild polluter) and melting it down (HUGE polluter) to manufacture another vehicle (more pollution) or send the scrap to China or India, where they pollute about 80 gazillion times more than we do.
I have never seen so many government programs that do the EXACT OPPOSITE of their stated goal.
It is either stupidity, or it is on purpose.
The three main cars you see in these photographs all get better mileage, have better tires, are in better condition, and pollute less than any of the vehicles I own. These photos were taken yesterday - September 9, 2009 - in Fremont, NE.
This program was a vote-buying scam. At best.
God have mercy on the USA.
The cash for clunkers program. C-A-R-S was the acronym.
Posted by Unknown | 7:32 AM | Daily Dose of Una, World Events | 0 comments »
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