What a Lovely Saturday!

Posted by Unknown | 7:57 PM | | 0 comments »

Darryl & I had a really nice day. Slept in, went to the Home & Garden show (lame - see previous post), got Aisin, went to the barn, then went to Cherry Creek State Park and took a great walk/fetch. Aisin is finally loving water play! So thats cool.

Seeded the yard, and am watering it now. Hopefully there isn't a water ban this year or the growth effort will be a waste.

Having a few beers, gonna sit out on the back patio, and hang out. Eating some amazing Alfredo for dinner too! Its froma box but is SOOO yummy. I'm addicted.

I was sick all week. Ended up taking Wed. & Thurs. off, went in Friday. I'm feeling ALOT better now though. Still have a cough and sore throat. But not dizzy/nauseous/headache/etc. anymore.

Tomorrow we will probably go to Cherry Creek State Park again, bring Aisin for sure. Maybe Chance (he's not good off leash around other dogs, he runs off and doesn't come back he gets so excited). Then probably heading over to a friends for a few beers and conversation.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
